"Neskončna reka" v steklu
poslikano taljeno steklo / painted fused glass
izvedba / glasswork: Stojan Višnar
Poslikava stekla je potekala ob poslušanju novega albuma skupine Pink Floyd z naslovom The Endless River in ko sem na svoji mizi razporedil večje število že narejenih krožnikov, sem ob pogledu na celoto navdušen ugotovil, da gre pravzaprav za utelešenje glasbeno poetične vizije s tega albuma: vzvalovana reka svetlobe in življenja!
"The Endless River" in glass
I painted lines of the birds on these glassworks while listening to Pink Floyd's new album The Endless River. When I set up a number of the glass-plates on my table and looked upon the whole I was excited to notice that they actually seemed to embody the image of a flowing river of light and life, reminding me of the musical vision of this album!
"... Let's go with the flow, wherever it goes
We're more than alive
It's louder than words
This thing that we do
Louder than words
The way it unfurls
It's louder than words
The sum of our parts
The beat of our hearts
Is louder than words
Louder than words
Louder than words
This thing they call soul
Is there with a pulse
Louder than words
Louder than words"
Pink Floyd - Louder Than Words