KOLEDAR za leto 2024
"Matej Metlikovič že vrsto let oblikuje izvirne koledarje z umetniškimi reprodukcijami svojih del. Za leto 2024 je izbral dvanajst podob iz cikla tako imenovanih Imaginacij. (...) To so po formatu manjša, a po izrazu ambiciozna likovna dela – nastajajo v vsakodnevnem ateljejskem procesu, kjer se slikanje preplete z avtorjevo meditacijo ob glasbi, refleksijo dnevnih dogodkov, odmevi besed pravkar prebrane poezije ali proze, navdihi glasbe in besedil ... Tako nastanejo intimno-razpoloženjski likovni zapisi, ki zaradi igrive, sproščene in spontane forme izžarevajo neposrednost slikarjevega doživljanja. Postavljene v kontekst koledarskega zapisa, Imaginacije delujejo osebno izpovedno, a tudi sugestivno. Z njimi Matej Metlikovič minljiv trenutek zapiše v krogotok časa."
Monika Ivančič Fajfar: Imaginacije – magične refleksije sveta
(iz spremnega besedila h koledarju)
"Matej Metlikovič has been creating original calendars with artistic reproductions of his works for many years. For 2024 he selected twelve images from the series of so-called Imaginations, which are smaller in format but ambitious works of art in terms of expression – they are the result of daily painting studio process, where painting is intertwined with the artist’s meditation on music, reflections on daily events, echoes of words of poetry or prose just read, inspirations of music and lyrics ... In this way intimate-mood paintings are created, which, due to their playful, relaxed and spontaneous form, radiate the immediacy of the painter’s experience. Placed in the context of a calendar, Imaginations act personally confessional, but also suggestive. Matej Metlikovič thus records a fleeting moment into a circle of time."
Monika Ivančič Fajfar: Imaginations – Magical Reflections of the World