PASSIO AMORIS, Galerija Sokolskega doma v Škofji Loki
9. - 26. marec 2012
Odprtje razstave 9. marca 2012 ob 19. uri v Kristalni dvorani Sokolskega doma
Katalog ob razstavi / Exhibition Catalogue (PDF)
Katalog ob razstavi / Exhibition Catalogue (PDF)
Na razstavi predstavljam izbrane cikle oziroma projekte, ustvarjene v času med letoma 2003 in 2012, ki jih uvaja starejši cikel risb s prizori križevega pota iz leta 1996 (tuš na papir); gre za cikel ilustracij s študijami in variacijami, ki so bile ustvarjene za knjigo Cirila Berglesa Via Dolorosa. Nadaljuje se s ciklom grafičnih listov iz mape Izbrane biblijske ilustracije (giclée art print) in osredotoča na predstavitev monumentalnejših projektov likovne opreme sakralnih prostorov z barvnimi okni in vezenimi antependiji (župnijska cerkev v Litiji, kapela Doma dr. Janka Benedika v Radovljici, zunanji oltar na Brezjah in kapela zavoda A. M. Slomška v Mariboru). Ti projekti so predstavljeni s predlogami za vitraje in vezene paramente, naslikanimi v tehniki akril na les, z risbami in študijami (tuš in akril na papir), pa tudi z deli, nastalimi v tehniki vezenja in barvnega stekla. Ob naštetem so predstavljena še dela, ki so kot risarske in slikarske improvizacije/meditacije nastajala vzporedno z ustvarjanjem omenjenih projektov, ter cikel najnovejših diptihov (akril na les) z naslovom Visoka pesem / Passio Amoris.
Utrinki z odprtja razstave / The Opening of the Exhibition
Slikarstvo v razponu med intimnim in monumentalnim
Umetniško ustvarjanje akademskega slikarja Mateja Metlikoviča iz zadnjih desetih let, predstavljeno na razstavi PASSIO AMORIS, predstavlja pomemben del slikarjevega likovnega opusa; lahko ga vidimo kot sintezo dosedanjega dela v širokem spektru slogovnih, ikonografskih, simbolnih in funkcionalnih likovnih rešitev. Njegovo delo odseva tako pomensko kot likovno večplastnost, saj ustvarja v klasičnih tehnikah risbe s tušem na papir, slikanja z akrilom na papir, platno in les, išče pa tudi tehnologije, ki mu omogočajo še drugačen likovni učinek in izraz – to je predvsem ustvarjanje vitrajev in oblikovanje vezenih paramentov. Slikarsko ustvarjanje je zanj vselej iskanje, ki se ga loteva z navdušenjem in strastjo (passio), osnovna tema in vzgib njegovega ustvarjanja je prav ljubezen kot eros/ amor, passio in compassio.
Osrednji veliki Metlikovičevi projekti so namenjeni sakralnim prostorom. Njegova sakralna dela so hkrati tradicionalna in sodobna, gradi na temeljitem poznavanju krščanske umetnosti in se zaveda loka, ki ga je ta umetnost ustvarila v dolgih stoletjih. Iz tega izhaja, a ga hkrati izvirno in svobodno preobraža in s tem doseže sodoben izraz svoje umetnosti.
Umetnost Mateja Metlikoviča kaže veliko različnih obrazov, vsa dela, ne glede na motive, tehniko in prostore, v katerih ustvarja, pa imajo veliko sorodnih potez in začrtano ikonografsko, slogovno in simbolno linijo. Večno aktualne teme ljubezni, trpljenja in ustvarjalne strasti - passio amoris, ki jih zasledujemo v celotnem slikarjevem opusu, pa ostajajo ves čas nosilne pobude avtorjevega umetniškega instinkta in vodilne teme likovnih realizacij, ki jih zaznamuje posebna poetičnost, tehtnost izraza, sporočilnosti in izvirna simbioza tradicionalne in sodobne likovne govorice.
Artistic work, ranging from intimate to monumental
The works of art by Matej Metlikovič shown at the PASSIO AMORIS exhibition present an important segment of the artist’s production spanning a period of the last ten years. They synthesise his work in a wide range of stylistic, iconographic, symbolic and functional artistic expressions. His work reflects an interpretational and artistic complexity, as Metlikovič uses both classic techniques of ink drawing on paper, acrylic painting on paper, canvas and wood, as well as technologies that allow him a fresh visual impact and artistic expression, primarily those of stained glass and ecclesiastical embroidery. Metlikovič considers his art as a quest, which he undertakes with zeal and passion/passio, the basic topic and impulse to his art being love as eros/amor, passio and compassio.
Over the period of more than twenty years, Metlikovič’s major projects have been devoted to sacred spaces, adorning numerous churches in Slovenia, Croatia, Austria and Germany with his works of art. Bringing together tradition and modern expression, Metlikovič builds his works of art on a thorough knowledge of Christian art and a keen awareness of its developments throughout the centuries. On the other hand, Metlikovič’s artistic basis undergoes a free and original transformation, attaining a modern expression.
The 90’s of the 20th century marked several major projects in evangelical parish churches of Biberach an der Riss, Meckenbeuren and Gerstetten in Germany, whereas over the last ten years Metlikovič has contributed his art to several places in Slovenia, such as the parish church in Litija, the chapel at the Dr Janko Benedik Old People’s Home in Radovljica, the open-air altar at Brezje and the chapel at the Anton Martin Slomšek Institute in Maribor.
The last three projects, realised in cooperation with Stojan Višnar (stained glass) and Ercigoj Embroidery may be regarded as a synthesis and peak in this field of the artist’s production.
Irrespective of the motifs, techniques and spaces which Metlikovič adorns with his art, all his works share a number of traits and a distinct outline of iconography, styles and symbols. Always relevant topics of love, suffering and passion – passio amoris, which can be traced throughout Metlikovič’s production, remain powerful incentives to the author’s sense of art and the leading topics in his artistic work, marked by a special poetic line, cogency of expression, power of message and an original symbiosis of traditional and modern language of art.
Over the period of more than twenty years, Metlikovič’s major projects have been devoted to sacred spaces, adorning numerous churches in Slovenia, Croatia, Austria and Germany with his works of art. Bringing together tradition and modern expression, Metlikovič builds his works of art on a thorough knowledge of Christian art and a keen awareness of its developments throughout the centuries. On the other hand, Metlikovič’s artistic basis undergoes a free and original transformation, attaining a modern expression.
The 90’s of the 20th century marked several major projects in evangelical parish churches of Biberach an der Riss, Meckenbeuren and Gerstetten in Germany, whereas over the last ten years Metlikovič has contributed his art to several places in Slovenia, such as the parish church in Litija, the chapel at the Dr Janko Benedik Old People’s Home in Radovljica, the open-air altar at Brezje and the chapel at the Anton Martin Slomšek Institute in Maribor.
The last three projects, realised in cooperation with Stojan Višnar (stained glass) and Ercigoj Embroidery may be regarded as a synthesis and peak in this field of the artist’s production.
Irrespective of the motifs, techniques and spaces which Metlikovič adorns with his art, all his works share a number of traits and a distinct outline of iconography, styles and symbols. Always relevant topics of love, suffering and passion – passio amoris, which can be traced throughout Metlikovič’s production, remain powerful incentives to the author’s sense of art and the leading topics in his artistic work, marked by a special poetic line, cogency of expression, power of message and an original symbiosis of traditional and modern language of art.
Mag. Andrej Doblehar, from the text in the catalogue (PDF)
Andrej Doblehar, M. A., translated by Silvana Orel Kos, from the Exhibition Catalogue (PDF)